We will support you during the job search process and through all the bureaucratic formalities, as well as during the probationary period and during the stay-in-employment period. During your probationary period, we will be in touch and provide you with moral support in the first few months. We will help you not only find a job, but also successfully complete your probationary period.

Based on the five years’ experience in German medicine, below I have summarized the most important tips for successful integration into a new team.

The 3 most important rules of conduct in everyday life and at work are as follows:

Friendliness and smile

Benevolence and a smile always win people over. This will help to avoid many conflicts and misunderstandings.


Arrive on time and 5–10 minutes early. Let your manager know if you can’t make it on time. Most Germans are extremely punctual and consider being even a few minutes late as impolite. If you are late, notify your employer.


It is considered polite to address by surname and formally. Note the double surnames, such as Ms. Müller-Weber.


Give careful considerations to your probation. Even small and perhaps insignificant assignments are a kind of small test of you and your skills. Therefore, fully concentrate on each new task and demonstrate motivation and desire to work.

You can be fired at any time during the first six months (your probationary period). Take great care, and work diligently and tirelessly. If the employee or employer considers that their cooperation does not meet the expectations, the contract can be terminated before the expiration of the probationary period at any time. The employer is also not obliged to explain the reason for termination of the contract, and the term of dismissal during the probationary period is reduced to two weeks.

Listed below are the most important rules that will help you successfully undertake your probationary period

1. Diligence and motivation to work

Give careful considerations to each task or assignment, especially during the probationary period, and fully concentrate your attention on each new task and demonstrate your diligence and determination.

2. Be punctual at all times

It is unacceptable to be late for quick meetings or patient rounds. If you are unable to arrive on time due to other important matters (such as an emergency or if you are ill), let your co-workers know. If you take a break during the working day, let your co-workers know.

3. Compensatory time off and unauthorized leave

Each of us can get sick. But you may not be absent from work if you have a headache or simply feel unwell during your probationary period. The same applies to vacation wishes. You are better off not planning your vacation during your probationary period, or as a last resort, if there are very good reasons for doing so (for example, family force majeure).

4. Be ready to always grow professionally and learn something new

If you have the opportunity, stay behind your working hours to quickly get used to your workplace and understand the principles of your work. So your training will be even faster and more efficient.

Write down any new information you hear during quick meetings or patient rounds.

5. Be active and offer your help

If you realize that you are not getting your work done on time, stay longer and go the whole log.

6. If you have questions, always ask them

You are new and may not know everything. If you don't understand or have forgotten something, always ask. Don't be afraid to ask for clarification if you don't understand something. If you don't know something, don't be afraid to admit it. This will help avoid mistakes and misunderstandings.

7. Admit your mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes and this is to be expected. However, if colleagues learn about it for the first time from others, it will be a failure. Blaming others or arguing can only make things worse. Admit your mistake and apologize.

8. Privacy area

I hear a lot, I see a lot, and I say little. Applying this principle will allow you to best observe your new team in which you work. Be truthful and refrain from personal characteristics and comments.

9. Respectful attitude towards each other

Leave all personal problems at home (lack of sleep or bad mood, etc). Be friendly and smile.

10. Communication

Politely ask about the possibility of speaking with your employer (medical director). During this conversation, you can find out if your mutual expectations were met. Similar conversations during the probationary period are held to discuss possible problems, clarify questions and exchange ideas for future cooperation.

I hope my experience can help you.
Respectfully yours,
Volha Audzeichyk