We have developed a short interview preparation express course for you.

The course consists of 2 online consultations (each session is 45 minutes long).

You will learn the following in our course:

At the end of the course, we will conduct a simulation interview training and teach you how to describe yourself in German without mistakes.

How to prepare for a job interview?

We have collected for you the most important information on how to effectively prepare for an interview.

Interview steps

Receiving an interview invitation brought you one step closer to your dream job.

There are two interview options: you are invited for an interview at the hospital in person, or you have a phone call or video interview with your prospective employer (via Skype, Zoom, etc.).

A standard job interview consists of 5 parts: greetings, introduction and self-presentation, questions and the final part of the interview, at the end of which the employer may offer to see the unit or hospital.

Be sure to agree to this proposal and look around the unit or hospital with interest, asking questions that interest you while viewing.

From my own experience, I fully understand all the stress and excitement you are experiencing. However, interviews do not always go the way we imagined. It often happens that employers have already read your CV and have an idea of your special knowledge and skills. Many employers, especially medical ones, do not have a lot of time. Thus, you will not have a lot of time, and you need to quickly adapt to the new situation.

After successfully interviewing in many German hospitals, I have compiled for you the most important tips for a successful interview.

In order for you to feel confident in an interview, it is important to answer the following questions:

Be honest

I encourage you to be honest and open about your work experience and skills. There is no point in making false promises. Your experience and knowledge will be evaluated in the course of work, but lies and an excessive desire to please by attributing skills and abilities to yourself can backfire.


To successfully pass the interview, you should have a good level of German. Take your time answering questions. Try to speak calmly and clearly. Even if your German is not perfect, you must perfectly say a few self-presentation sentences, which are correctly constructed in terms of grammar.
And bear in mind when self-presenting, do not patter. Observe pauses in your speech, speak calmly. Your prospective employer should be able to understand what you are saying.

Keep calm

Remember that the impression your prospective employer makes of you within the first five minutes can be critical to your future employment. Choosing the right clothes for the interview is just as important. Always keep calm. Be natural and friendly. Smile.

And bear in mind that in addition to your experience and professional skills, your communication skills and friendliness are always important.

Show interest in your prospective employer

Show interest and ask about internship opportunities at this hospital. If so, how long can you undertake an internship? When can you start? Are you provided with accommodation during the period when you undertake your internship? Perhaps the employer pays for meals during the entire duration of your internship. Don't be afraid to ask about it. And even if you don't get a job, it was a good experience that will be a huge advantage for you in future employment.

Financial aspects

If the employer hasn't mentioned your rate (full-time or part-time), politely inquire about your salary. Feel free to ask if you didn't hear or understand. Ask if you will work full time. If part-time, how many hours per week will you work? This is very important in order for you to be able to obtain a residence permit (a Blue Card). The annual minimum gross salary (excluding taxes) must be 56,400 Euros. A minimum gross salary of 43,992 Euros per year applies for positions in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, engineering, and medicine (excluding dentistry) (from 2022, salary limits are adjusted for each calendar year).

Ask questions

This allows you to better understand the requirements and wishes of your employer. Ask the following questions: When can you give me an answer? If you are hired, for how long will the contract be concluded? You can ask any questions you are interested in regarding your future workplace. The following are questions that are often asked in an interview and that you need to think about in order to avoid misunderstandings in the future.

Questions Frequently Asked in an Interview

Based on my own experience of successful interviews in many German hospitals, below I have summarized the most important questions that are most often asked in interviews.

Place of study and work experience. It is important to be brief and honest about your work experience.

Would you like to grow professionally and further your career? This is always a good point.

You must answer this question honestly and not make false promises.

The employer asks you a stress interview question and wants to see your reaction to it. You must remain calm and list your most important qualities and strengths. You should also consider the aspects mentioned in the job ad and use that as an argument.

In answering this question, it is important that you do not insult your previous employer. This may give a bad impression. For example, you can answer that you want to grow professionally or are looking for new career opportunities.

First of all, don’t say that you never make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes and that’s good. Mistakes help you learn and grow professionally; you can mention it in your answer. The employer wants to see you understand your mistakes and will do better in the future.

It is important here that you answer the question in the direction of your strengths. If you have suitable examples from your daily work, you can integrate them into your answer.

I really hope that I was able to give you valuable advice.
Respectfully yours,
Volha Audzeichyk