This is your choice. This is your path. This is your decision

You are leaving your home country and you have to carry out responsible work in Germany. If you have chosen this path, then you are, without a doubt, a very brave, independent and purposeful person. This is a completely new stage in your life and should be thought out to the last detail. Of course, the excitement and the fear of the unknown are very great. You ask yourself a lot of questions. What problems will I face? What can go wrong? Will my expectations be met? Will I be able to integrate into the new society? And the most important question, is it worth it?

We work to help people

Without a doubt, working abroad comes with many challenges. At the beginning of this path, you will face such problems as integration into a new society, medical terminology, a new team, finding an apartment, opening a bank account, medical insurance, translation of documents. Where to find time for all this? Keep your head! We will help you sort out all the formalities and ensure you have a confident start in your new career.‎

Face-to-face support

We take care of all the formalities and accompany you at every stage. Trustful and honest cooperation is our top priority. With our expertise, we offer you a comprehensive and professional service. From my experience...

How does it work?

We will accompany you step-by-step on your way when you decide where you want to work and which workplace best suits you.

Step 1. Personal consultation

We will discuss your preferences for your job search.

Step 2. Concept

We will build up a concept that best suits you for your successful employment.

Step 3. Interview preparation

We will arrange an interview for you and prepare you for it.

Step 4. Document preparation

We will help you translate all your documents and arrange everything for your successful start.

Step 5. Assistance in moving abroad and integration

You will get a work permit or an approbation.

Step 6. Access to profession

You will successfully start working.

Our professional service for you is as follows:


  • Preparing for an interview
  • Interview organization and personal support
  • Clinical internship contract
  • Employment contract
  • Translation and certification of all required documents
  • Pre-employment contract
  • Assistance in obtaining a work visa
  • Assistance in issuing a work permit/medical license
  • Transfer to the place of residence by taxi
  • We will support you in the following cases:
  • Communicating with the Foreigners' Office
  • Finding an apartment and entering into a rental agreement
  • Choosing an insurance plan and entering into an insurance contract (professional liability insurance, medical insurance)
  • Obtaining your tax identification number
  • Opening your bank account
  • Obtaining your German residence permit
  • Entering into an Internet services agreement
  • Mobile phone connection
  • Integration abroad, tips and tricks for rapid integration


  • Preparing for an interview
  • Interview organization and personal support
  • Clinical internship contract
  • Employment contract
  • Translation and certification of all required documents
  • Pre-employment contract
  • Assistance in obtaining a work visa
  • Assistance in issuing a work permit/medical license
  • Transfer to the place of residence by taxi
  • We will support you in the following cases:
  • Communicating with the Foreigners' Office
  • Finding an apartment and entering into a rental agreement
  • Choosing an insurance plan and entering into an insurance contract (professional liability insurance, medical insurance)
  • Obtaining your tax identification number
  • Opening your bank account
  • Obtaining your German residence permit
  • Entering into an Internet services agreement
  • Mobile phone connection
  • Integration abroad, tips and tricks for rapid integration


  • Preparing for an interview
  • Interview organization and personal support
  • Clinical internship contract
  • Employment contract
  • Translation and certification of all required documents
  • Pre-employment contract
  • Assistance in obtaining a work visa
  • Assistance in issuing a work permit/medical license
  • Transfer to the place of residence by taxi
  • We will support you in the following cases:
  • Communicating with the Foreigners' Office
  • Finding an apartment and entering into a rental agreement
  • Choosing an insurance plan and entering into an insurance contract (professional liability insurance, medical insurance)
  • Obtaining your tax identification number
  • Opening your bank account
  • Obtaining your German residence permit
  • Entering into an Internet services agreement
  • Mobile phone connection
  • Integration abroad, tips and tricks for rapid integration